An Interview with E.B. Moore, Author of Stones in the Road

You can find my most recent author interview over at Dead Darlings. Following up on her critically-acclaimed debut novel An Unseemly Wife, E.B. Moore’s new release Stones in the Road follows eleven-year-old Joshua from his Amish home in Pennsylvania to the wilds of Colorado and beyond. Christopher Castellani has called Moore’s novel “…an epic yet intimate journey through […]

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A Mortal Fear of Walk-a-Thons

On the way to the Muse and the Marketplace conference a couple of Sundays ago, turning onto Beacon Street, I ran into a river of pedestrians aiming west-bound toward Coolidge Corner. Pink, yellow, and baby blue t-shirts. Walk for Hunger, the white badges said. Of course, I thought. Early May in Boston. Walk-a-thon season is […]

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