An Interview with E.B. Moore, Author of Stones in the Road

You can find my most recent author interview over at Dead Darlings.

Following up on her critically-acclaimed debut novel An Unseemly Wife, E.B. Moore’s new release Stones in the Road follows eleven-year-old Joshua from his Amish home in Pennsylvania to the wilds of Colorado and beyond. Christopher Castellani has called Moore’s novel “…an epic yet intimate journey through the harrowing terrain of 19th Century America.” Liz took time out from her launch recently to speak with Dead Darlings about her latest book.

Dead Darlings: In your debut novel An Unseemly Wife, and now in Stones in the Road, a protagonist of Old Order Amish descent journeys west to Pittsburgh and beyond. What has captivated you about this story line not once, but twice?

E.B. Moore: Though the setting is similar, these are two very different stories of survival. The first is about a mother of four battling against her husband’s decision to go west just when their fifth child is due; while Stones in the Road follows an eleven year old boy escaping his father’s repeated beatings. He’s desperate to get west, but has no experience dealing with predators in the outside world of “English.”

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